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Books By Glenn Daman

When Shepherds Weep

The purpose of this book is to help pastors regain their spiritual perspective in the trials of ministry by understanding how suffering is used by God to develop the pastor and the church. It comes along wounded pastors to offer comfort and encouragement


The Forgotten Church

Whether it’s because of the 2016 Presidential election or books like “Hillbilly Elegy,” Americans are beginning to understand the tremendous influence people in rural areas have in our nation. But rural America—not urban America—is also the new center of poverty. Thus, the rural church stands at the crossroads of strength and struggle. It carries the gospel, the very hope and power needed. Yet its ministry efforts are hamstrung because urban and suburban churches often don’t realize their need for rural churches, and the rural church itself rarely understands its unique assets and values. The Forgotten Churchaddresses these problems and: 

  • provides an overview of rural ministry

  • explores opportunities recent trends provide

  • showcases the remarkable benefits of suburban, urban, and rural churches working together 

This book is essential for any pastor—whether from the city or the sticks—because we are one body and we need each other.


Shepherding the Small Church

Despite the growing number of megachurches in the U.S., 75 percent of churches still have a weekly attendance of 150 or less. Glenn Daman, himself the pastor of two small churches, reminds readers that "the vitality of a congregation is not found in its size or its programs or budget. The vitality of a congregation is found in its fulfillment of God's purpose for the church." Offering neither trivial cliches nor quick fixes, Shepherding the Small Church acts as a manual for leaders, offering point-by point suggestions for small church ministry, mission, unity, and more. Chapter-by-chapter suggestions and several appendixes of helpful assessment tools help pastors and lay leadership work through the book together.


Leading the Small Church

Small church expert Glenn Daman knows the challenges and rewards of small church ministry. His first book, Shepherding the Small Church, focused on the ingredients for an effective ministry in small churches. This follow-up book addresses the essentials for spiritual leadership in the small church. Pastors and other church leaders will benefit from the author's insights within the context of the small church. Daman shows that contrary to today's prevailing wisdom, the pastor's role is not to be a visionary or organizational leader. The pastor's primary responsibility is spiritual leadership through preaching and godly role modeling. Readers will come away with great insights into the important contribution small churches can make in the spiritual development of people in the church and in the community.


Developing Leaders in the Small Church

In his more than fifteen years as the pastor of a small church, Glenn Daman has learned what it takes to make a church board successful. In Developing Leaders for the Small Church, Daman explores the nature of spiritual leadership, illustrating why the focus of a church board shouldn't be dictated by organizational duties, but guided by spiritual responsibilities.

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