Small Church Leadership Network

The Board Training Video
Equipping Board for Effective Church Leadership
The video series, Training Church Leadership, is designed to equip church boards with the tools and knowledge to effective lead the congregation. Each session is approximately 40 minutes and may be used independently or in conjunction with the book, Developing Leaders in the Small Church, by Glenn Daman.
Session 1: Understanding the Nature of Leadership
Session 2: Understanding Spiritual Leadership
Session 3: Understanding the Organization of the Church
Session 4: The Importance of Character in Leadership
Session 5: The Priority of Leadership
Session 6: The Priority of Prayer
Session 7: The Nature of Church Discipline
Session 8: Spiritual Decision Making
Session 9: The Leader as an Equipper.
Session 10: The Mission of the Church
Session 11: Developing an Effective Team
Session 12: The Board as Change Agents.